FDA rejects green tea health claims...See What Dr. Adam Shafran a.k.a Dr. Fitness Thinks!!!
WASHINGTON - There is no credible scientific evidence that drinking green tea reduces the risk of heart disease, federal regulators said Tuesday in rejecting a petition that sought to allow tea labels to make that claim.
The Food and Drug Administration said it reviewed 105 articles and other publications submitted as part of the petition but could find no evidence to support claims of the beverage’s health benefits.
I think otherwise!! First off, the term "tea" actually describes the plant,leaf, or beverage originating from a single species, Camella sinensis, and is generally categorized into three types- green, black, and oolong. Although the color and taste characteristics of these teas vary greatly, they all originate from the same basic plant, which is often misunderstood. The differences in color and taste are determined by the degree of fermentation that the leaves are allowed to undergo after harvesting. Here is why I think you should continue drinking Tea:
#1-Tea is an abundant source of polyphenols, specifically flavonoids. These are powerful antioxidants that help fight cancer and heart disease. You also find polyphenols where?....Red Wine...make sure you drink some of that as well.
#2-The major flavonoids present in green tea include Catechins....again, very powerful antioxidants. It is important to note that the actual amount of flavonoids that will be present in tea can vary greatly and is influenced by a large number of factors including variety, age, and growing conditions of the plant as well as parameters related to the preparation of the tea, including the strength and type of brewing. I don't think the FDA looked at these parameters!!! I have also seen data that shows a lowering effect on LDL(the bad cholesterol) an a slight elevation in HDL (the good cholesterol) from drinking tea. So Dr. Fitness says keep drinking Tea!!!!