"Super Man", Christopher Bergland, Shares "The Athlete's Way" To Exercise & Sweet Susi May Shares "Shocking" News Even For Lindsay Lohan!
I have been enjoying the heck out of Christopher Bergland's awesome new book called "The Athlete's Way." Christopher is an amazing athlete who has accomplished some astonishing athletic endeavors like holding the Guinness World Record for treadmill running (153.76 miles in 24 hours.) He has completed The Triple Iron Man, a 7.2-mile swim, 336-mile bike, followed by a 78.6-mile run (done consecutively) in a record breaking time of 38 hours and 46 minutes and won the race three times...and a bunch of other amazing accomplishments. So when he came on the show last night, we learned what goes on in the mind of a guy who can literally exercise all day and all night. Listen to the interview and you will find Chris to be a very modest guy and he has taken those experiences and coupled them with some of the brain science he learned from his Brain Surgeon dad to write a book that can help sedentary people stick to their exercise program. Some of the tips we talked about include developing an athletic mindset. This includes setting goals, getting inspiration, monitoring your mood and using positive imagery. By incorporating some the same techniques this amazing athlete uses to break World Records you can stick to your exercise routine. Please check out his website www.theathletesway.com for more information and exercise tips.
One of the Internet's best bloggers and one of Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy's favorite guests...Sweet Susi May from FitSugar joined us again for their monthly segment. Susi announced a New Balance clothing giveaway to benefit Susan G Komen Foundation in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Some of the other topics we talked about were: the Hardees Breakfast burrito that tips the scapes at over 900 calories....mmm burritos; things to think about when buying sneakers; the new Vinyasa Jump Through yoga dvd; and her favorite tip about getting a fitness buddy. We also heard about her yoga getaway with her husband to celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary. So be sure to check out the whole interview. For more about Fit Sugar go to their website and try and win those awesome New Balance exercise clothes www.fitsugar.com.
Also Don't Forget to check out my tips on how to add exercise to your weekends. He said 1-take the dog for a loooong walk; 2-hike somewhere with an inspirational view 3-meditate using deep breathing exercises. He had more great fitness tips but you'll have to listen to get them.