What is Amy Winehouse, Miley Cyrus,and Mike Golic Doing For Thanksgiving?
I have no idea!!!! but I hope Miley Cyrus keeps on singing since my soon-to-be stepdaughter, Rebecca, LOVES her. Former Pro Football Star Mike Golic is a great radio announcer and thanks for admitting to using steroids...10 years after you retired from football!!! I am sure you have helped many aspiring young lineman choose not to use steroids. It's plain and simple... Steroids are for cheaters!!!! I hope Amy Winehouse stays away from drugs and just as important, cigarettes, since she has such an amazing voice....what a talent!!!
Here are some of my tips for those who are trying to help there close ones quit smoking:
1. help lighten their stress levels. help the quitter with a few chores like watching their kids, cooking -- whatever will help of quitting
2.Don't take the quitter's grouchiness personally during his or her nicotine withdrawal. The symptoms usually dissipate in about 2 weeks.
3. Studies show that most people try to quit smoking 5 to 7 times before they succeed. If a relapse happens, think of it as being one step closer to succeeding and not failing!!!!